Article 1-        The purpose of these principles is to determine the working principles of the Bologna Coordination Commissions to be set up in higher education institutions. The studies that will be carried out for the reconstruction of European Higher Education Area and in higher education institutions about European Credit Transfer System-ECTS, Diploma Supplement-DS, Recognition, Quality Assurance, Qualifications, Learning Outcomes, Mobility and Students’ Participation, and Social Dimension are all organized within this framework.

Article 2-        Terms in these principles;      

a)      European Higher Education Area (EHEA): This is the higher educational structuring of European countries started with the common declaration dated back to 19th June, 1999 by the Education Ministers of Bologna countries to emphasize the European dimension in higher education. In addition, this term focuses on objectives such as setting up national higher education systems that are in accordance with the economic and social needs of European society and are comparable as well as compatible according to the common reference points while paying attention to the differences of higher educational systems on European basis and to the autonomy of these institutions and strengthening the coordination, mobility and employability between these higher education systems.


b)     Bologna Process: This is the process started with the common declaration dated back to 19th June, 1999 by the Education Ministers of 29 countries and foreseen to have finished by 2010 to create “European Higher Education Area” in accordance with the objectives mentioned in (b).


c)      European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS):This is a credit system in which the time learner spends (work load) is thought as 60 credits and in which the lessons are credited to increase the transparency of educational systems with credit transfers in European countries and to ease students’ mobility as well as to reach the learning outcomes of a programme generally aimed for one academic year.

d)     Diploma Supplement (DS): This is a document informing about the qualification, level and content of a graduated programme and a document that is given as a supplement to the diplomas of graduates of a higher education programme within the frame of a model developed by European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO-CEPES to make the international transparency, the recognition of academic and vocational qualifications easier.

e)      Recognition: This is the approval of an educational period studied and achieved by a higher education student by another institution.

f)       Quality Assurance (QA): This is defined as all the planned and systematic work to guarantee that a higher education institution or an educational programme fully applies quality/performance processes in accordance with the internal and external quality standards defined within Europe Quality Assurance Principles and Standards in Higher Education.

g)      Qualification: This is a diploma or certificate like document given as published by an authority conforming that the learning outcomes after the successful completion of the recognized higher education programme have been achieved.

h)     Learning Outcomes: This is the expression of what a learner is supposed to know, comprehend and do after completing a learning process.

i)     Mobility: This is the continuation of students, academic staff and administrativepersonnel’s studies at a certain period within the national and international exchange programmes.

j)       Student Participation: This is the active participation of students to the activities within Bologna Process.

k)     Social Dimension: This is the provision of equality about usage of facilities in reaching higher education.

l)        Turkey Bologna Follow-Up Group:  This is the group made up of stakeholders to support the coordination, planning and application of Bologna Process activities on national basis.

m)   Committee for Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement” (Akademik Değerlendirme ve Kalite Geliştirme Kurulu-ADEK); responsible for coordination and implementation of internal and external quality assurance processes in higher education institutions.

n)     Bologna Coordination Commission (BCC): The commission in higher education institutions to direct the restructuring and sustainable developments of Bologna works.

Article 3-        At every higher education institution a “Bologna Coordination Commission (BCC)” is developed to direct the restructuring and sustainable developments of these institutions in accordance with the Bologna Process working fields.

 Article 4-        BCC is composed of following members that the rector will assign at each university:

a)      Vice Rectors responsible for Education and/or International Relations

b)      President of the Committee for Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement

c)      Bologna Experts (if any)

d)     ECTS/DS and Erasmus Coordinator/s

e)      Head of Students’ Relations Department

f)       Head of the Student Council

g)      Other members assigned by Rector

Rector assigns one of the academic members of BCC as President.

Article 5-        BCC gathers on the call of President and organizes an evaluation meeting at each academic half-year. If necessary, BCC can set up sub-working groups on the university units’ level.

Article 6-        Responsibilities of BCC:

a.       To prepare the “Annual Action Plan” about the subject matters framed by CoHE about Bologna Process working fields, to make this plan applicable and to send the “Institutional Report” to CoHE until the end of May at the latest that is to be used as data for the annual national report.

b.      To organize periodical in-service training seminars for the internal and external stakeholders about the related legislation and application within the main working fields of Bologna Process. To take precautions in order to strengthen the Bologna Process applications in the academic boards of institutions and departments.

c.       To decide on strategies for new term applications evaluating the completed works.

d.     To observe the activities of institutions (EUA, ENQA, ESU, EURASHE…etc.) working within European Higher Education Area of CoHE about the Bologna Process, to participate them and to pioneer in-service preparations in accordance.

Article 7-        University Rectors are responsible for the application of these principles and the reporting of them to the CoHE.

Article 8-        These principles have been valid since January, 1st 2009 to be applied in all higher education institutions.

(Retrieved from  http://bologna.yok.gov.tr/?page=yazi&c=0&i=90  on July 03, 2012)

Working Principles of BCC  (pdf, 204kB) (in Turkish)

Son Güncelleme: 2012-07-03 15:21:15

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